She studied Communication Sciences at Universidade Nova, did Erasmus at Complutense in Madrid and joined the TSF editorial team for the first time in 2007, where she interned. She worked on the editorial staff of Rádio Clube Português and the magazine Actualidade-Economia Ibérica and, in 2009, she joined the founding editorial team of the daily newspaper i.
Two years later, she was lucky enough to join another team from scratch: Dinheiro Vivo. She collaborated with Time Out Lisboa magazine, was part of the founding team of Tentações magazine, on Sábado and, in 2013, moved to Argentina to do his master’s degree in journalism and work in the editorial office of La Nación, in Buenos Aires.
In 2014, she coordinated the literary magazine Estante and, in the same year, joined Chicas Poderosas, a movement for female empowerment in journalism and communication, becoming, in 2016, the movement’s ambassador in Portugal. In the same year, she worked at Propublica, in New York, and returned to Portugal where she joined the founding team of ECO-Economia Online as Companies editor. In 2018, she launched “The Book of Doers”, a portrait of the Portuguese entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Since 2011, she has been telling stories about Doers: people who think, plan and create businesses.
Join É UM CONGRESSO nad come meet Mariana Barbosa, a journalista and author, with a remarkable career in media.